I can finally stop searching for blog layouts and try to make my own, do you have any idea how sickening it is to sit in front of the computer for hours just to find the perfect skin? it is agony!
I love the header pic tho, dad taught me how to do it, who knew photo editing was so fun? haha...
Now i know that turning an ugly ugly 'thing' stunningly gorgeous is a piece of cake...pftt...(so perasan la..haha)
pretending to study everyday is soooo boring... i mean, if pretending is boring, then isn't REALLY studying MORE boring?!?! Why can't we just burn books and make tea with them like all the ppl ask us to? my mom teased me and said: " tell you what, go burn your hist book, and brew it, eat it. by the time you poop it out, you'd score an A". how i wish.... You know what? this is more of a rant than a post...but hey like my new 'slogan' life's like an open book. what's a book without a few(yea right) complaints about life right? heh heh...
i pity those people who think they've got it all, honestly? if you're so satisfied with your life already, die.
Really la, save more space for other people to live what...haha....but seriously though...die.
Ah...life is sweet =)
xoxo, Manda
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